With all the different ways we can be stressed, the workplace can be at the top of the list. Before the pandemic 91% of professionals said they had unmanageable stress at work that negatively impacted both their work quality and health. That’s 91%. In my mind that number is way to high. While the pandemic kept a lot of us home and that stress level percentage did drop some, people are now heading back to the office. Stress can weaken the immune system resulting in a greater chance of developing the colds, flu, and yes even coronavirus. Not to mention what it does to the heart and other areas of our bodies. So what can we do to reduce stress at work? First create a strong work life balance. The to do list at work always gets added to but you can’t spend to much of your time at the office. You and your family need time to relax, unwind, enjoy each other and detach from all the craziness the day has thrown at you. Second, take breaks throughout your day to step away from the desk. Stretch, go for a walk, and whatever you do do not miss lunch. Your work load will still be there when you return. But by stepping away you now have a clear mind to tackle things again. Also consider your work environment. Add some aromatherapy around you. A candle, a air freshener, or oils can help keep the mind clear and calm throughout your day. What about music? Add something soothing and relaxing to you in the background. This sends signals to your mind that it is ok to be relaxed. Setting up a calming space and environment around you will help you through your day and be more productive as well. We can’t always reduce the stress we have in our lives, but if we can manage some of it. This way we are already ahead of the game.